Tuesday, August 19, 2008

To all the straight guys about to join Yahoo Groups for Adult Book Store aka ABS's:

The remainder of this post is NOT our original writing. We had asked the owner of it, the group owner of http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PHILLYMOVIEFUN/ for permission to use it and have enhanced it slightly (large/italic section). Please take the time to read it CAREFULLY. The intent is NOT to discourage straight single guys from going to ABS' despite one guy's personal opinion. The focus is help to ALL find ABS' where women are present at times and to reduce the whiny complaints of bi/gay sexual activity seen at ABS' not regularly patronized by women.

"Please note that it is a myth that there are women waiting for you in porn theaters and adult bookstores or at the gloryholes looking for single str8 men & married str8 men. Please understand that women are rarely and very close to never at almost all porn theaters or any adult bookstores. There are the very rare wife or girlfriend who may go very infrequently with another male-partner, but rarely to never alone."

"So please, str8 men, understand that the majority of the action (not always, but close to ALL of it) in any porn theater or adult bookstore anywhere is going to be male-male. There are a few ABS's in NJ and PA that are exceptions with sporadic weekend st8 action: Berlin News (West Berlin, NJ), Cupid's Arcade (Kutztown, Pa), Cupid's Pleasures (Bethlehem Pa), Red Barn Berlin (Berlin and 3 other NJ locations), Charlies Dream Adult Theater

(Philly) and MovieThon (Union, NJ). Wait to see their posts about what day and time they will be going to the ABS. The most common times couples post for visits are weekend nights with an occasional daytime during the weekend. Most arrivals are after 8pm, but many arrive after 10 pm or even midnight. They choose the day and time, nuff said?"

"Also do not ask if there are any women who would want to go to a theater with you -- it makes you look selfish, stupid & clichéd. Trying to arrange a weekday daytime meeting at the ABS is very unlikely to succeed. It's extremely rare for a woman to be in an ABS on a weekday during the daytime period. Posting responses to the lady's ABS visit posting in hopes of arrange a 1-on-1 meeting outside the ABS is also VERY lame, after all they go to the ABS to be in a crowd, right?"

"Please take the time to try & understand or ask or even care about what a porn theater and adult bookstores are really all about and why the Yahoo! Group members there love them so much. Read the previously posted messages in the group once you join to familiarize yourself with who the couples are and when they visit. There are a few fakers too, so it will be worth your while to discover who they are too, so you don't get misled by them."


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